The Chess Confederation for America (CCA) and the Chilean Chess Federation (AJEFECH) are pleased to invite all the National Chess Federations of South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela) to the XVIII South American U-20 Absolute and Women's Chess Championship, to be held in the city of Antofagasta, Chile.
The event will be governed by what is established in this invitation and by what is established in the regulations of Fide América, both in general regulations and those specific for the Absolute Junior and Women's Regional event. Regulaciones generales para torneos
10th to 16th July 2023
El Campeonato Sudamericano SUB 20 es un torneo abierto y se dividirá en dos ramas: Absoluta y Femenino, para los participantes sudamericanos nacidos a partir del 1 de Enero 2003 de Cada Federación Nacional podrá inscribir los participantes que desee.
The SUB 20 South American Championship is an open tournament and will be divided into two branches: Absolute and Female, for South American participants born on or after January 1 2003. Each National Federation may register the participants it wishes. All participants must cover all of their registration, transportation, accreditation, lodging and food costs. Each participating federation will have the right to register an Official participant in each branch
The organization will cover 40% (forty percent) of the hotel package of the Official athletes
and players in their own right of each Federation that has registered (has made the payment of
the registration or registrations and accreditations) to their representatives on the dates
established in these bases, in the official hotel of the event, based on double rooms.